in tricuspid valve -MOST COMMON CAUSE of osteomyelitis TOXIN MEDIATED DISEASES -Scalded skin syndrome - skin starts to peel off -Toxic shock syndrome - caused by toxin that is a syperantigen -Rapid onset food poisoning (generally mainly vomit) - comes from meats and diary that is left out for too long -MRSA -methicillin resistant staph aureus - acquires resistance to penicillin by altering PBP (penicillin binding proteins) TREATMENT -Vancomycin -If methicillin sensitive then treat with NAFCILLIN (a type of penicillin) <- Naf for staf Bacterial infection that occurs after body is weakened by viral infection -Septic arthritis -Abscesses and other skin problems -Rapid onset/acute bacterial endocarditis. Prevents opsinization and phagocytosis -Colonizes the nose/naries DISEASES -Pneumonia - X ray shows patchy infiltrate. It is a component of the cell wall and can bind Fc portion of antibody.
Moses and the golden staph of staph aureus -Gram positive -Catalase positive -Golden color when plated -Coagulase positive -Beta hemolytic -Ferments mannitol- turns agar yellow -Protein A = main virulence factor.